We are a group of highly motivated (and fun-loving!) students and scientists who are interested in applying multidisciplinary approaches to study the fundamental mechanisms that determine the function of these pharmacologically important molecules.

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Featured Research

Structure and Dynamics of Channels

Our ability to respond rapidly to stimuli such as light, heat, touch, smell, and sound is the key to our survival in an ever-changing environment. Electrical phenomenon underlies this fundamental ability to process sensory information and generate complex behavior.

“I collected the instruments of life around me, that I might infuse a spark of being into the lifeless thing that lay at my feet”

Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein

The overarching goal of our research is to understand the physico-chemical basis of electrical signal transduction in biology. Specifically, our research focuses on understanding the molecular mechanisms that underlie function of members of the voltage-gated ion channel family. These molecules are involved in a wide variety of physiological processes that include but are not limited to cardiac pacemaking, reflex action, pain sensation, learning and memory.

Lab News

Congratulations Baron!

Congratulations to Baron for being recognized with the 2025 Kenneth S. Cole Award! Check out our gallery for snapshots of the evening and the articles below for more details of the award and awardees of this year: https://www.biophysics.org/awards-funding/subgroup-awards https://x.com/WashUAnesRsrch/status/1892575636805316975 https://anesthesiology.wustl.edu/chanda-recognized-with-2025-kenneth-s-cole-award-for-contributions-to-biophysics/ Congratulations, Baron!!

Welcome to the lab!

The Chanda lab is happy to welcome our newest member Dr. Suhaila Rahman as a Staff Scientist!

Farewell Vinay!

The lab gathers with friends and family over delicious food and drinks to wish Vinay the best of luck on his next adventure!